Sunday 30 October 2011

My food desert

                I’m hoping that my last few posts have given you an idea of what the implications of living in a food desert are, and some of the challenges that they pose to eating a healthy diet.
                As I briefly mentioned in my introductory post, I want to experience a small glimpse of what it may be like to rely solely on fast food and convenience stores for my diet. I will begin this “diet” starting on Monday and go until Sunday. Now I know a lot of people who have adopted a certain lifestyle or diet for their blog have volunteered to do the diet for as much as 2 months. That is pretty impressive and hats off to them! However, I’m not sure my wallet could handle the financial strain for that long, and my fear of scurvy is making me hesitant.
                So, a week it is. Welcome to my “food desert”.

                Now in reality, I don’t ACTUALLY live in an area which is far enough away from affordable food and grocery stores to really be a food desert. I am restricting myself to this convenience store by choice. As far as convenience stores go, this one is pretty great! I am in there quite a lot during midterms and exams when I need some emergency chocolate or icecream to keep me going. The couple who owns the store is very sweet, and they have agreed to let me write about their store and take pictures to put on my blog.
                I am mostly going to be looking at the diversity of food that the store offers, and how feasible it is to eat a healthy balanced diet from food sold there. I am also going to look at their prices, and see how they compare to a grocery store such as no frills (my usual grocery store of choice). Exciting!
                On an unrelated note, I thought I’d share a picture of my Halloween costume. For the nutrition students out there, what could be scarier!?

Just kidding. I love McDonalds.

Thanks for reading!

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